
Surgical Procedures

We perform general and orthopedic surgeries to meet your pet’s every need. We are also equipped to perform more complicated emergency surgical procedures. Our team has many years of experience in this area, and we carefully monitor the anesthesia before, during and after every intervention. Your pet is in good hands with us.

What happens before an operation?

We always conduct a veterinary examination before each operation to ensure that there are no health problems that could interfere with the procedure. We will also check your pet’s vaccinations to make sure they are up to date at least 7 to 10 days before the operation. Blood work can be used to confirm that your pet doesn’t have a previously undetected illness. Before anesthesia, we recommend inserting an IV catheter so we can quickly administer medication if there are any complications during the surgery.

Post-surgical advice

Your pet will probably feel tired and weak. Make sure they get enough rest, avoid over-stimulation and limit exercise.

Monitor their food and water intake because too much could make them sick. You should give them small amounts of food and water until they’ve recovered enough.

An Elizabethan collar (pet cone) can be a good way to keep your pet from licking/chewing their stitches and wound. Take the time to examine the wound area daily and check for redness, swelling or discharge. If you do see any, contact us immediately.